Cherie R Kagan Research Group
The Kagan group’s research is focused on studying the chemical and physical properties of nanostructured materials and in integrating materials with optical, electrical, magnetic, mechanical, and thermal properties for (multi-)functional devices. We combine the flexibility of chemistry and bottom-up assembly with top-down fabrication techniques to design materials and devices. We explore the properties of materials and measure the characteristics of devices using spatially- and temporally-resolved optical spectroscopies, AC and DC electrical techniques, electrochemistry, scanning probe and electron microscopies, and analytical measurements.
- Congratulations to Cherie on receiving the 2024-25 Heilmeier Award!The Heilmeier Award honors a Penn Engineering faculty member whose work is scientifically meritorious and has high technological impact and visibility. Cherie Kagan, Stephen J. Angello Professor in Electrical and Systems Engineering (ESE), has been named the recipient of the 2024-25 George H. Heilmeier Faculty Award for… Read more: Congratulations to Cherie on receiving the 2024-25 Heilmeier Award!
- Congratulations to Tony for winning the Fall 2024 Ruth Marcus Kanter College Alumni Society of Undergraduate Research Grant!Tony received a research grant through the Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (CURF) to work on Post-Assembly C-ALD Graded Shelling of Quantum Dots for Optoelectronic Applications within this lab.
- Congratuations to Cherie for being named a 2025 Fellow in the IEEE!IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation. Cherie is being recognized for her contributions in colloidal nanocrystals and their integration in optical and… Read more: Congratuations to Cherie for being named a 2025 Fellow in the IEEE!
- Congratulations to Shobhita on winning Best Poster at the Fall 2024 MRS MeetingShobhita presented a poster of her work on the advancements of plasmonic metasurfaces for scalable sensors as part of the IoT4Ag grant.
- Congratulations to Cherie on winning the Humboldt Research Award Fellowship!Every year, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grants up to 100 Humboldt Research Awards to internationally leading researchers of all disciplines from abroad in recognition of their academic record to date. Award winners are also invited to conduct a research project of their choice at… Read more: Congratulations to Cherie on winning the Humboldt Research Award Fellowship!
Research Highlights

Room-temperature quantum emission from CuZn-VS defects in ZnS:Cu colloidal nanocrystals Journal Article Forthcoming
In: arXiv, Forthcoming.

Gate-Tunable Optical Anisotropy in Wafer-Scale, Aligned Carbon Nanotube Films Journal Article
In: Nature Photonics, 2024.

Stabilizing alkaline fuel cells with a niobium-doped brookite titanium dioxide catalyst support Journal Article
In: Cell Reports Physical Science, 2024.

Nanodiamond emulsions for enhanced quantum sensing and click-chemistry conjugation Journal Article
In: ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2024.

Chemically Driven Sintering of Colloidal Cu Nanocrystals for Multiscale Electronic and Optical Devices Journal Article
In: ACS Nano, 2024.